What's in a Name?

Posted by Ellen Chacon on

Buckle up, friends. Long, humbling, honest blog post coming in hot. If you don’t care to read it all, here’s the summary: I’m rebranding and my new brand is called Endless Stoke. If you want to know why and learn a little bit about me, read on.

About a year ago, I suddenly felt something calling me to start something new. You may call it a dream, a risk, an adventure, a learning opportunity. In reality, it has been all of those things.

I am a mom, a wife, a nurse, a lover of the beach, waves, snowboarding, surfing (though I'm not very good at it), music (especially live music), art, nature, camping, hiking, anything active and outdoors, really. I think becoming a mom in May 2016 lit the spark under every single one of these passions. I want my son, Bodie, to grow up well rounded, experiencing all that life has to offer him intellectually, artistically, athletically, spiritually and outdoors in nature. The second I told my friends I was pregnant, they referred to the baby as “little grom,” so it only felt natural to name my new business, inspired by my son, The Threaded Grom.

In June 2018, I launched this little side biz, The Threaded Grom, an online store offering unique, graphic t-shirts for kids who surf, skate, ski, snowboard, hike, camp, and explore all the outdoors have to offer. I wanted it to be a one-stop shop for families who spend time in the waves, the mountains, and everywhere in between.

But, here’s the thing, I’m an RN with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a BA in Psychology. I’m not a lawyer and, admittedly, don’t know anything about trademark laws. I did, however, do my due diligence and consult with a trademark lawyer before starting any of this. I thought I was good to go. Nope! Did you know it is possible to trademark any word in the English Language? This trademark lawyer failed to advise me that a single word, not just a unique phrase, can be trademarked and the word Grom is, in fact, trademarked by GROM, Inc. Who knew? Not me.

A few months ago I checked my mailbox to find a letter from GROM, Inc.’s lawyer informing me of my trademark infringement. My heart sank. You see, on the East Coast, not too many people are familiar with the term grom, except for folks immersed in the surf culture. Call me naïve, but I thought I was doing something original.

So, after months of debating with myself and bouncing ideas off those closest to me, I settled on a new name. Endless Stoke. Honestly? I think I like it more than The Threaded Grom. Why? Because it reflects the brand’s message that those of us who love the outdoors don’t limit ourselves to one sport or activity. The stoke spills over from the waves, to the mountains, to the skate parks, the trails, campgrounds and everywhere in between. Plus, stoke doesn’t just end with “gromhood.” It carries on endlessly into adulthood for those of us bold enough to embrace it and live it. Stoke without boundaries, right?

So, if you’re still reading, thanks for being here and being part of my crazy journey. Your support means the world to me. Take a look around the new website, there's some new designs and gear available.

Stay Pitted. Stay Stoked.

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